Maddie and Jasmine, launched June 27, 2023, is a heartwarming children’s book that tells the story of Maddie, a little girl who suffers from bullying and exclusion. Jasmine is an abandoned cat that lives in an animal shelter. Both Maddie and Jasmine’s lives change when they meet.
Maddie and Jasmine shows that being different is normal and everyone is worthy of love and respect. The book also emphasizes the importance of treating animals with kindness and respect, and encourages readers to adopt shelter animals in need of loving homes.
I'm thrilled and excited to present my third in the Maddie and Jasmine series.
Embark on the final adventure with Maddie and Jasmine in Maddie and Jasmine Settle In, the heartwarming conclusion to this beloved International Bestselling series.
From the moment Maddie rescued her golden-pawed feline friend, Jasmine, in book 1, their bond grew stronger. In book 2, Maddie navigates the world of cat ownership and friendship, while Jasmine’s impact on Maddie becomes more evident.
Now, in the eagerly awaited third book, Maddie’s choice to bring Jasmine to school for show-and-tell proves transformative for her and her classmates around her. Join Maddie and Jasmine on their unforgettable journey as they navigate the highs and lows of friendship, courage, and the power of forgiveness.
Maddie and Jasmine Settle In is a heartening tale that will leave readers of all ages cheering for the triumph of kindness and compassion.
Maddie and Jasmine Settle In is available on Amazon.
Prepare for an enchanting journey with Maddie and Jasmine that promises to captivate young minds.
It’s a story encouraging kids to appreciate their uniqueness and to extend kindness towards all creatures.
This new adventure promises to continue the inspiring journey of a girl named Maddie and a shelter cat named Jasmine.
Purchase: Maddie and Jasmine Go Shopping
- Andrea Nicholson, Cat Director, Dogs & Cats Forever No Kill Shelter
- Peggy McColl, New York Times, Best Selling Author
- Judy O'Beirn, International Best Selling Author
Children’s author Sherry Dunn discovered her passion writing for children after a career in the Human Resources field.
She is an avid reader, and writing seemed to follow naturally.
Sherry lives on Florida’s beautiful Treasure Coast with her seventh rescue cat, Jasmine.
When she’s not writing, Sherry likes to read, play the piano, work on collage or watercolor art pieces, and work with local art groups and local animal shelters.
Children’s author Sherry Dunn discovered her passion writing for children after a career in the Human Resources field.
Children’s author Sherry Dunn discovered her passion writing for children after a career in the Human Resources field.
You can reach her by phone, e-mail, or snail mail.
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