Jasmine here!
Are you all set for the Great North American Eclipse? I'm just a cat, so chances are I'll be snoozing away when it happens.
This week is National Dog Bite Prevention Week. It's all about teaching humans how to avoid getting nipped. Kids often end up with bite marks, and for some reason, this happens more in the summer. No one knows exactly why, but it could be because kids and dogs hang out more when it's warm, or maybe the heat makes dogs as grumpy as it makes everyone else.
Last week, Sherry was out and about again. She got to see the PAWS To Read program up close and personal. This program is a cool partnership with the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast, where kids get to read out loud to trained therapy dogs. It’s a purr-fect way for the little humans to get better at reading without feeling scared of making mistakes.
There was this one kid who read Sherry’s book, "Maddie and Jasmine Go Shopping." That's a story about yours truly, and let's just say I'm quite the feline star in it. It sounds like the kiddo did a great job reading about my adventures. After all, I’m not just a pretty face; I'm a muse too!
This is just a whisker-twitch reminder from me, Jasmine: Tomorrow, 4/9/24, is the grand launch of Sherry’s third book, "Maddie and Jasmine Settle In"! It's the finale of our big, ongoing tale, and you will adore it. Purr-omise! Getting your paws on a copy tomorrow will give us a paw up towards becoming an International Best Seller. So, paws crossed!
Time for me to scurry off! (yawn) I sense a cozy nap on the horizon.
Jasmine Here!
Attention, my human friends! Mark your calendars: April 1-7 is International Pooper Scooper Week. You may think it’s all about us felines and our litter boxes, but no, it's actually for the dog walkers out there. Every year, from the first to the seventh of April, there’s a push to get those who walk their dogs to be good and clean up. Not scooping the poop? Bad idea, for lots of reasons. This week, take the time to educate yourselves on why it’s important to keep things tidy for a cleaner, healthier world.
Now, onto some pawsome news from last Thursday night. Sherry was at Sally Eckman Roberts Designs for Jammin’ Jensen’s weekly mini festival, where she had a meow-velous book signing event. She didn’t just sell her books; she also gave out cat ear headbands and “cattoos” to the little humans. Purrfect, right?
On the topic of books, let me give you another nudge about Sherry’s upcoming release, “Maddie and Jasmine Settle In,” set to launch on April 9. This date is crucial as it’s when sales determine whether a book achieves International Best Seller status. This book, the final installment in her Maddie and Jasmine series, is exceptional, and here’s the scoop: it stars ME!
I'm off! There might be an early Easter egg hunt happening out there!
Jasmine Here!
You caught me hunting for a special toy from my toy basket. But I’m purrfectly ready to share some news.
Today, August 26, is National Dog Day! Now, why isn’t there a National Cat Day every day? Colleen Paige founded National Dog Day in the US in 2004. It’s all about those woofers. The purpose is to bring awareness to the condition of animals (yes, including us majestic felines) and to encourage adoption.
How will you be celebrating today? Doggos love attention, probably just a whisker less than us cats!
If you don’t have a dog, maybe you can prowl around and walk the dogs at your local shelter. After all, you don’t have to have a dog to celebrate. And if you’re feeling generous, how about dropping off a basket of new dog toys? Or maybe, just maybe, you could adopt a dog.
If you have a dog, have fun teaching your dog a new trick. We cats already know them all, we just choose not to show off. Spoil your dog with a new toy or two.
Gotta go! I see a sunbeam on the floor I have to check out… it’s purrty tempting.
Jasmine Here! 🐾
Paws and reflect, everyone, because I have a fur-midable tale to share! I know, I know. It’s been a while since my last purr-sonal update. Between all my nap schedules and chasing invisible things, I’ve been a tad busy. Okay, fine, I’ve been shirking my duties. You caught me!
Let’s talk about the purr-fect Maddie and Jasmine book signing at the Lyric. Can you believe they had this without yours truly? Are you kitten me right now? Here I was, thinking I might get to strut my fluff at the event. But when Sherry walked out the door that day, she told me she was going to change a tire! Possibly the worst excuse ever? She doesn’t even know how to change a tire. I’m sure she’d need all nine lives to figure it out.
I was purr-ty excited when I found out my name was lit up on the Lyric marquee. Thank goodness for Michaelann Bellerjeau’s portrait of me. Sherry made sure to show it off, flaunting how majestically princess-like I am. Because let’s face it, I am the cat’s meow!
In the spirit of forgiveness (after receiving some extra treats, of course), I’d like to relay Sherry’s “THANK YOU” for the awesome turnout. The book reading went well, the food from Riverwalk was simply the cat’s pajamas, and talking to the attendees was a real treat! Hats off to the Lyric staff for making this great event happen! I’m sorry I missed seeing the kids. I love kids!
Calling all you holiday lovers! Yesterday, August 19, was International Homeless Animals’ Day. I should have given you a heads-up earlier, but a cat’s gotta nap. Anyway, there’s still time to visit an animal shelter. Maybe take a tennis ball along; not all creatures appreciate a good yarn ball like we do. And speaking of “you-know-what”, Sherry had the nerve to remind me that August 22 is National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day. Please! How could she?
Last Friday, Sherry had the privilege of visiting CATTITUDE, a cat café in Vero Beach. She said it was the cat’s whiskers! They showcase adoptable cats in a cozy, home-like setting. Check out Dewy and his hypnotizing yellow eyes.
Holy jumpin’ catfish! I have to dash – I haven’t taken a bath in over an hour. I must remain ready for any impromptu “catwalk” opportunities. After all, a diva like me has a reputation to uphold!
Jasmine here!
I have a couple of reminders for you today. One of my many jobs is to keep you all up to date on pet and event 411. August is full of Pet Holidays and Veterinary Awareness days, starting with August 1st.
August 1st is also called DOGust, the universal birthday for shelter dogs. Since dogs can’t read calendars, they won’t hold it against you if you were to come to the shelter a day or two late to treat them with a pat on the head, a dog biscuit, and a Happy Birthday wish, or even adopt one of them. Dogs are just not judgmental. (Cats aren’t judgmental either, but we do sometimes have that condemnatory look about us.)
August is National Immunization Awareness Month. And the first full week of August is International Assistance Dog Week. Good to know, right?
Okay, now some stuff about ME. Don’t forget about the event tomorrow, August 3, 2023. Sherry is having her book signing event at The Lyric Theatre from 2:00-4:00. Also, don’t forget I’m in the book, “Maddie and Jasmine”. My name is even on the Lyric’s marquee! It’s going to be a fun day! And did I mention, I’M IN THE BOOK! And my illustrations by Nino Aptsiauri are adorable! Just look at that cover!
Gotta go and take a nap. I have a feeling Sherry is going to need my help getting ready for tomorrow.
Jasmine here!
It’s scorching outside, isn’t it?
I wanted to remind you all that July is not just Lost Pet Prevention Month, but it’s also National Pet Hydration Awareness Month. So, don’t forget to keep clean and fresh water available for your beloved kitties and doggos. I always like to keep my readers informed about these important things.
Also, make sure you check out Sherry’s upcoming Friday blog post. She’ll be talking about this amazing shelter called Muttville, located in San Francisco. They focus on taking in older dogs and finding them forever homes. Such a wonderful cause!
Now, let’s talk books. Last week, Sherry’s book, “Maddie and Jasmine,” became an International Best Seller. The story was fantastic, but let’s be honest, my cuteness and charm probably contributed a lot to its success. But, I’m getting off track here.
Next up are the book signings. I noticed Sherry preparing a blue canvas wagon filled with all the goodies for her signings. I was all set to join in on the fun!
But wait, turns out that going for a ride in a blue canvas wagon to a book signing is akin to going for a neighborhood stroll in my stroller. NOT! (I’m still waiting for that one).
Hold on a minute! I’m destined to be an international star, so I firmly believe my presence at these book signings is an absolute must. There’s still time to make Sherry see the light. Her first book signings in Stuart, FL will be at B Boutique on Saturday, July 29, and at The Lyric Theatre on August 3.
Alright, gotta go! I’m really itching to see the beautiful portrait that Michaelann Bellerjeau painted of me. And guess what? I have a sneaky suspicion that the portrait might be going to the book signings instead of me. Well, I might just have to find a way to stow away in that blue canvas wagon under the “Jasmine here!” tote bags. Just saying, it’s worth considering!
Have a fantastic day, everyone!
Jasmine here!
You all helped Sherry reach best-seller status yesterday!
She wants to say thanks to everyone who bought her book, “Maddie and Jasmine.” I think the book is the cat’s pajamas!
It took a lot of hard work and a great team to bring this book to fruition, but it was well worth the effort. This story follows Maddie and Jasmine on their path to discovering each other, and how the love of a pet can truly shape and transform your life. I know I changed Sherry’s life and she sure changed mine.
If you missed the chance to buy the book yesterday, you can get it at Amazon.com or sherrydunn.com.
FYI, July 1 is American Zoo Day and ID Your Pet Day.
July is National Lost Pet Prevention Month.
July 4th is a big holiday for the United States. Lots of fireworks, barbecues, and parties. Please remember to make the celebrations as safe as possible for your pets. Many pets are afraid of fireworks, run away, and end up lost. That would be a catastrophe.
Gotta go! I see a new Amazon Prime box that’s empty. I knead to try it out. My motto: “If I fits, I sits.”
Jasmine out!
Jasmine Here!
I’m a little sleepy this morning. I was up late last night reading Sherry’s book which features ME!
Today is a very special day! I mentioned in my last Facebook posting, Sherry’s new children’s picture book, “Maddie and Jasmine” is being launched today. Sherry’s mission is to share the stories of shelter pets and help them find their forever homes. She also has a mission to support children’s literacy. This book combines both missions.
A portion of the proceeds from the sale of “Maddie and Jasmine” will be donated to help shelter pets get adopted sooner. This is the first instalment in the “Maddie and Jasmine” series.
Today’s sales will determine whether she achieves bestseller status or not, which would be a dream come true for her. If you’re at all inclined to buy her book, please do so TODAY at Amazon.com or sherrydunn.com and you’ll be helping Sherry achieve her goal!
Gotta go! I’m going to read “Maddie and Jasmine” again. There is an exceptionally good illustration of me on page 30. You’ll never know, will you, unless you buy the book.
I feel like a serious catnap will be in my immediate future.
Children’s author Sherry Dunn discovered her passion writing for children after a career in the Human Resources field.
She is an avid reader, and writing seemed to follow naturally.
Sherry lives on Florida’s beautiful Treasure Coast with her seventh rescue cat, Jasmine.
When she’s not writing, Sherry likes to read, play the piano, work on collage or watercolor art pieces, and work with local art groups and local animal shelters.
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